POTD 5/8/23

May 08, 2023  •  3 Comments

WE LOVE SPRING in the New Hampshire forest - as returning birds arrive very day. Rose-breasted Grosbeaks return on the same day (within 2) every year and the same day as Hummingbirds (our neighbor saw the first one today!). We'll see our first Hummer very soon. Love birding in Spring!


Stan Zabierek(non-registered)
We had a pair of hummers show up yesterday along with a beautiful bobcat that came down to our patio about an hour after I had cooked some ribs on the barby.
Janie Western(non-registered)
Oh, I'm "positive" that's the same bird that stopped by my feeder a couple of weeks ago!!
John M Poltrack(non-registered)
I've seen my first hummer and the cat birds are back, just waiting for the orioles, Still no on the grosbeak.
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